Boards for miles! Boards for sale!

So there is a pretty amazing surfboard auction happening over in Western Australia at the moment. There are 111 boards up for sale - you can check out the boards up for auction via this link.

There are some pretty wild creations in there, this one chief amongst them:
OLE Olson Twin Fin

1961. 8’11" X 21 ½". Built in 1961 by Bob, he remembers only making one of these, one of the first ever twin fins. Double glass on fins and black stripes with OLE logo. Fully restored.


Tom Blake Paddle Board

1946. By the Catalina Equipment Company of Los Angeles. Tom Blake was a forerunner of surfing design and is credited with being the first person to put fins on surf boards. A champion athlete he was a fine surfer, swimmer and board paddler, having won many titles at the three pursuits, both in Hawaii and America. 16’ long and of a hollow design with ribs inside.

And this one I'd love to have. It's is one of only two of the 111 boards that are in any way associated with women (the other is one of Layne Beachley's boards):

Joe Larkin Single Stringer

C. 2008. This is a replica of the board that Joe made for Phyllis O’Donnell with which she won the 1964 world titles held at Manly. Signed by both Joe and Phyllis this board is 9’ X 21". It has the classical "D" fin of its era and is a clear board with 4 black pinstripes. Phyllis, by winning this competition became Australia’s first World surfing champion.

Anyway, board lovers... get involved!


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