One of the many things that to confuse me about the Australian Government, is their continuing refusal to recognise the relationships of same-sex couples and to allow them to get legally married. It defies logic. It denies human rights. It is small-minded and out-of-date, and sings to the increasingly small choir of voices that play on fear about the 'institution of marriage'. The issue isn't about whether or not same sex couples can get married in the eyes of various religions - that is something for those religions to sort out - the issue is about whether their relationships are recognised in terms of Australian law. Which they totally should be, because the current laws are outdated and discriminatory. So I was heartened when a couple of days ago the Aotearoa/New Zealand parliament passed a bill to change marriage laws there, thus becoming one of 14 countries in the world to do so.* And although I am not one prone to crying, this clip of the moment when the...