BuT wOm3N dOn'T taKe gOod phOtoS oF suRfiNg

On Friday last week, I was on a panel about women’s surfing alongside Tyler Wright and Ashika Kanhai (and organised and hosted by Ece (AJ) Kaya and Leila Khanjaninejad from UTS Sydney). We were asked what has changed for better in women’s surfing and I said, surf media. I said, surf media overall has changed for the better so far as their treatment of women is concerned. I pointed out that women are treated much better as surfers, writers, photographers, and editors, as possibly even as models in surf advertising imagery. I talked about the import allyship and mentoring by some men who have been powerful in surf media, and how a growing number of them have been real advocates and mentors to many women, creating space for these women - including me - to build experience to then build up other women in return. And I meant it! And then, tonight, I opened Instagram to see the announcement of the 10 finalists for the 2024 Surfing Australia, Surf Photo of the Year Award, supported by T...