Surf film stoke!

This weekend, I decided to take it a bit easy. I only worked a little and the work I did, I did from home. I drank a lot of wine and coffee, sat in the sun, met friends at the markets and picked up a dress I had on lay-by. It was wonderful. At one stage, I even found myself with a little extra time on my hands, so I pulled out my copy of Dear & Yonder and watched it, and realised that I'd forgotten how much surf films can be!

I forgot how much pleasure there is to be derived from watching footage of waves and boards and bodies and fun and colour and light and surfing. I'd forgotten how the feelings and memories and longing that this can all bring to the surface. I'd forgotten how nice it is see great footage of great surfing. Before I realised it, I'd sat through the whole thing!

So I'm back to being stoked on surf films (again).

And then I saw that Lorene Carpentier's film, Oceanides, has finally been released! I have been particularly excited about this film, so I bought that too!

And now not only do I have two new films on the ways, but I can look forward to things other than bills in the mail!

Then today, over at Ten Piggies Over, I came across this fun looking film...

Apparently, when it rains (surf films) it pours!


  1. wow, that sounds like a beautiful weekend, you've inspired me to pull that film again too...thank you small town girl x

  2. Yes! I put it on again the other day while I was baking. No, really. I did. I watched a women's surf film while I baked.

    I am a living cliche.

    (But it was great)


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