Sunrise sliding

What I love about blogging is the kind of responses that it can elicit. Sometimes these are on the comments thread, but other times these come via email, Facebook or text. I've received a couple from my last post, including an email from Gill that had a link to this lovely clip.

Sunrise Slide in Bondi from Lynden Foss on Vimeo.

It's definitely not the same kind of critical nose-riding as in the last post, but in lots of ways, I much prefer it. Sometimes with longboarding, folk are so focused on nose-riding, that they forget there are other possibilities. Watching logging can feel a bit like that. But the way this woman sweeps around and explores the wave a bit more is really nice.

Thanks, Gill x


  1. Lovely to show this beach as a place of joy instead of the perilous place Bondi Rescue would have it Bec... Where fear of the unfamiliar drags it into a space so NOT what it should be...

  2. A lovely observation, Mick - I hadn't thought of it like that, but you're right. also think its so different to the crowds I always imagine are there. x


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