April chill

It's not summer here anymore. The days are getting shorter, the mornings are crisp and tonight... tonight, I turned on the heater in my bedroom. 

To be honest, I've been looking forward to hunkering down in these colder months. I'm on of those people who feels guilty sleeping any time that it's not dark, so the long, relentless, sunny days have left me feeling very tired. Also, summer is always so busy, which is wonderful but I'm ready to stop. I'm ready to spend a lot of time on my couch, listening to tunes, slowly cooking my dinner, which has the added bonus of warming my little house.*

Of course, the cold brings other benefits too, the first one being 'waves', the second being 'fewer people'. 

(Photo by the very clever Kath Bicknell)


  1. What a beautiful shot. I miss it there. I've heard it went "straight from summer to winter" this year.

    For some reason, from your stories, I've gotten the impression you surf the beach mostly. Do you also surf the points much?

  2. Hey tuskedbeast! It is a great shot, huh. Kath is pretty clever. And yeah, we got a hell cold snap a couple of weeks back, but I've just had two weeks in Byron, where the cold definitely was not.

    I mostly surf Manu, because the boat ramp means I can get out in anything and not have to pick my way across rocks or deal with jump rocks with my longboard - I'm a bit of a wuss! But this year I've decided to get better at those things... I do love the beach though. I know some people see it as the 'beginners' wave but I think the waves there can be really fun and challenging. Oh, and MUCH less crowded than the points.

  3. The beach can be brilliant! And yes, without the competitiveness of the points.

    You make me think of a surf I had at graveyards in the Taranaki. I had a 60s longboard that must have weighed 2.5 stone (trying to talk your language here, ha ha). It was low tide, there was a field of knee high stones 250 meters long (still trying) between the beach and the surfline... becoming slippery for the last 50. OK. But there was also an insane offshore, probably 48 km (...). It was about a 20 minute meditation on balance and being in the momentmomentmoment....


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